Fabulous Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you are looking for an immediate cookie fix, find another recipe. This recipe requires at least 2 hours of refrigeration. But it will be worth the wait!

Back in the 80's, a photocopied recipe claiming to be that of the official Mrs Fields Gluten Free cookies recipe was being circulated and ended up in my hands. It made something like 10 dozen cookies so I scaled it back, wrote it in my recipe book and enjoyed making those incredible chewy chocolatey cookies until I discovered gluten was rat poison to me in 2007. This was the first recipe I converted to gluten free and it took me a few attempts of flour mixes before I found one I liked. Now with what I'll call the gluten free "fad" (which is great because it brought some amazing products but bad because it came with many people thinking gluten free was for everyone - it's not- if you do not have a problem with gluten you really do not have to turn your world upside down- but if you do have a problem with gluten, don't eat the stuff.) Oh, where was I? Flour mixes - yes, well now there are some great pre-made flour mixes which do not break the bank like the Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free 1 to 1 Baking Mix which I can get at Costco - btw, I am so happy Bob's made this mix. I just couldn't stand their bean flour based mix and threw away most baked goods I made with it before finally throwing away the flour mix to stop myself from such torture.

So here is the recipe. I usually bake 1 dozen and then form cookies with the rest of the dough to freeze which I can  bake in the toaster oven at 350 degrees for 12 minutes when we just want a cookie for a treat. These are way too dangerous to leave around the house unless you're training for an Ironman.

Fabulous Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Makes about 4 dozen cookies

Do not preheat the oven - you will want the dough to chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours!

1. Make the dough

In a large mixing bowl cream together:
  • 1 cup unsalted butter (softened -room temperature -not too soft)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar (firmly packed)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
In a medium mixing bowl gently whisk:
In a food processor (I use my Cuisinart mini or Vitamix dry attachment) grind into chunky flour:
  • 2 1/2 C (285g) gluten free oats (I like Bob's or Trader Joe's)
Whisk oats into dry ingredients

On a cutting board, chop into chunks
  • 4 oz chocolate bars (I like dark chocolate but pick your favorite)
Also grab a
  • 12 oz bag of semisweet chocolate chips (I prefer Guittard)
Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients.
Add chocolate chips and chocolate chunks.

2. Refrigerate (Sorry!)

Refrigerate dough for at least 2 hours Sorry - I have tried to skip this step. Don't. Even better refrigerate overnight or even for 2 days. Gluten free flours just need a chance to absorb the butter and eggs. Trust me. To save time, sometimes before I refrigerate I will use a 2" cookie scoop, separate rows in an airtight container w parchment and then refrigerate. I often freeze some as well so I can bake a few in the toaster if I don't want to risk our eating an entire batch in 1 day.

3. Bake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

Form dough into golf ball sized mounds, flatten slightly. Place on cookie sheet or freeze balls for future use. I usually put a silicon baking mat or parchment paper over the sheet for easier clean up.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 11-13 minutes until bottoms are lightly browned. You'll have to time it based on your oven characteristics. It is much better to undercook than overcook these as they will continue to cook on the sheet as they cool.

After 5 minutes remove cookies from sheet and let cool on cooling rack, if you can wait that long.

The hubby loves these hot but I like them best the next day. Well, I like them hot, warm and the next day. They're pretty incredible. I hope you enjoy them too.
