Product Review: Tres Latin Foods' Pupusas

I was excited when the folks at Tres Latin Foods asked if I'd like to try their new frozen Pupusa's. The giggler eats Trader Joe's tamale's for lunch several times a week and I would love to give her an alternate meal. Plus, the idea of being able to toast up a tasty pupusa in just a few minutes versus making them from scratch also got my attention. So the folks from Tres Latin Foods sent me some coupons good for two varieties to try at my local market. Unfortunately it took me a little while to find them at my local stores but they've recently increased distribution and can now be found at two stores near me- Sprouts and Whole Foods. I opted to try the Black Bean & Sweet Corn variety as well as Spinach and Cheese. Their other varieties also sounded delicious: Kale & Pinto Bean, Green Chili & Cheese and Pinto Bean & Cheese so it was a tough choice.

These Pupusas are very wholesome - many of the ingredients are organic and they lack the usual preservatives often found in prepared foods- far more wholesome than those Trader Joe tamales which have become a staple in our home.

So how were they? Pretty good! The first time I prepared them by cooking in the toaster oven, oven setting, and they were warm but not very crisp. The spinach and cheese was a big hit while the black bean and sweet corn was a bit bland although this could be remedied with some sort of salsa on the side. I wish the Black Bean & Sweet Corn pupusa had just a little bit more filling.

The second time I toasted them in the toaster oven for 3 cycles at the darkest setting and this was a much better outcome - warm on the inside and a nice crunch with chew on the outside. Nice as part of a meal or a mid-afternoon snack.

I haven't tried these cold yet as a lunch for the Giggler. They are pretty small - 130 calories (Black bean & Sweet Corn)  and 160 calories (Spinach & Cheese) so I'll probably have to give her two or give her something else in addition to a Pupusa. Unfortunately I forgot to collect the retail price at Sprouts but believe each box (4 pupusa's per box) runs $5-6.

Have you tried Tres Latin Foods Pupusa's?

What's your favorite savory school lunch meal?


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